The Lubricant Lab: Demystifying MRV & Yield Stress for Low-Temperature Performance

Mini-Rotary Viscometer (MRV) testing and the concept of Yield Stress provide a comprehensive lens for evaluating the behaviour of engine lubricants at sub-zero temperatures. This post delves into MRV, Yield Stress, and their implications for optimising lubricant performance in cold climates.

Conditions Matter: Beyond Freezing
• MRV at varying temperatures (ASTM D4684): Cold-weather performance is not just about freezing point. MRV tests simulate a range of low temperatures, giving realistic insights into lubricant flow and pumpability vital for reliable engine starts.
• Yield Stress: The Force Behind Flow: This value reveals the minimum force (stress) required to initiate lubricant flow. It directly influences an engine’s ability to circulate oil during those critical initial moments of a cold start.

Understanding Non-Newtonian Behaviour
• The Low-Temp Reality: At frigid temperatures, lubricants cease to function as Newtonian fluids. MRV and Yield Stress give us data on their complex behaviour crucial for winter performance:
• Thixotropy: Over time under stress, some lubricants exhibit reduced viscosity, improving flow behaviour.
• Gelation: Certain oils can solidify at rest, making cold starts impossible.

Implications for Engine Oils
• The Cold-Start Challenge: Formulation is a dance between:
• Protection: Lubricants must be robust enough to provide lubrication and minimise wear at low temperatures.
• Pumpability: If the oil cannot flow, it cannot protect. Low MRV and Yield Stress are critical for quick oil circulation and engine safety.
• Base Oils & Additives Matter: Optimised base oil selection and targeted additive packages work synergistically to maintain sufficient flow at low temperatures, preventing engine damage.
• Real-World Standards: MRV and Yield Stress limits feature in specifications like SAE J300, ensuring lubricants are engineered for the challenges of cold weather operation.

Valorem Chemicals: Leading the Way in Cold-Weather Solutions
At Valorem Chemicals, we leverage our extensive expertise to formulate lubricants that excel in MRV and Yield Stress tests. Our tailored solutions empower manufacturers to deliver engine oils that ensure reliable starting and superior protection, even in the most demanding winter conditions.

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